Thursday, October 29, 2009


WoW.. everyone is talking about this movie and i cant wait to go and see it on Saturday with my daughter and grandson.
     Since the passing of Michael Jackson I must admit I have become obessed with finding out as much about him as possible. I have read some great books about him and his trails he had to endore . One of the best  books that I have read about him was called Michael Jackson Consparcy by Aphodite Jones. What she did was go back and reread the whole transcript from his  trail with Galvin Alviroz and than put the truth in a book. And let me say our Media really tried to destroy Michael Jackson and it has been going on for decades and to be honest I can't understand the reason behind it. During my research I have listen to video after video , I've read article after article just to get insight from others on him.

  I have learned that MJ was fighting so many different demons within himself that he couldn't even see what he was doing to himself. My heart goes out to his family especially his children. For they have lost more than anyone else. He will be truly missed by many fans in this world.